BioSketch / Current and Pending / RPPR

Please note that the National Science Foundation (NSF) has issued significant changes to the NSF Proposal & Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG 23-1). The checklists below are intended to be used as tools when preparing the new disclosure information for NSF grant proposals and awards. (A downloadable PDF is also available.) While these describe the essential aspects of the changes to agency guidance, it is still important to review all agency guidance, solicitation documents and relevant FAQs before final submission to NSF. Please contact OSRP if you have questions.

NSF Guidelines:

Biosketch Checklist:

  • Review NSF policy guidance for Biographical Sketches.
  • Biographical sketch (limited to 3 pages – effective 10/4/21) for each individual identified as senior personnel must be submitted using NSF-approved format.

All academic, professional or institutional appointments. Include the following:

  • Any titled academic, professional or institutional position regardless whether or not remuneration is received.
  • All full-time, part-time or voluntary positions.
  • All adjunct, visiting or honorary appointments.

Current and Pending Support Checklist:

All items to be included in a Current and Pending Support Document include:

  • Current and pending grants, contracts and cooperative agreements requested by or issued to MSU Denver, made available to the PI, and related to the PI’s research.
  • Current and pending grants, contracts and cooperative agreements requested by or issued to an entity other than MSU Denver, made available to the PI, and related to the PI’s research.
  • All resources made available to an individual in support of and/or related to her/his research efforts regardless of whether they have monetary value.
  • Subawards from domestic or foreign entities.
  • In-kind contributions, such as office/laboratory space, equipment, supplies, employees, students intended for use on the project/ proposal being proposed.
  • In-kind contributions NOT intended for use of the project/ proposal, but that have an associated time commitment, also must be reported.
  • Resources received through MSU Denver or any other institution.
  • Resources received directly by individual.
  • Disclose consulting agreements if it involves research.
  • Report start-ups received from other institutions (e.g. external start-up packages).
  • Report lab space in a foreign country.
  • Report material or data provided by a 3rd party for use in your research.
  • Activities that happen outside the “home institution” appointment (ex: summer months for 9-month faculty).
  • Third party provides access to individuals such as a technician and they are being used to work on the PI’s research needs to be reported.

Items NOT REQUIRED to be included on a Current and Pending Support Document include

  • Gifts – no associated time commitment.
  • Prizes, endowments.
  • In-kind contributions not intended for use on the project/proposal being submitted to NSF and that have no associated time commitment.
  • Start-up packages from MSU Denver.
  • Mentoring activities that are a part of the PIs regular appointment at MSU Denver.
  • Independent research endeavors of individuals in the PI’s lab.
  • Graduate students personally funded on fellowships by foundations.
  • Consulting or professional services where no research is performed.
  • Faculty academic year salary.
  • Peer teaching.
  • One-time travel to present at a conference at an international organization.

Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPR)

The following items must be included in an RPPR if they are new and were not submitted previously:

  • Active other support – include an updated Current and Pending to respond to, “Has there been a change in the active support since the last reporting period?”
  • Response to, “What percentage of the budget was spent in a foreign country?”
  • Response to, “Has there been a change in the primary performance site location?”
  • Response to, “What was the impact on teaching and educational experience?”

Post-award disclosures of Current and Pending previously undisclosed – MUST BE REPORTED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF NOTICE THROUGH “OTHER REQUESTS” IN RESEARCH.GOV

Office of Sponsored Research and Programs

Supporting faculty and staff fundraising goals

Office Location:
1041 Ninth Street Park, Auraria Campus, Denver

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (OSRP)
Campus Box 4
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362